Some days, I wake up and wonder, Who the fuck am I to keep doing this? What makes me think my words are worth someone’s 30 to 60 seconds every morning? And why am I spending time on this when there are so many things I haven’t mastered yet?
I don’t have all the answers. In fact, I’m far from it. Maybe I’m just tired. We’ve been on the road, and Frankie’s refusing to sleep. But I can’t help wondering if my thinking has slipped into victim mode, or if it’s just the exhaustion talking.
The thing is, I know I’m not alone in this. Anyone striving to be successful probably feels this way from time to time. You question your worth, you question your voice, and you wonder if you’re really qualified to keep pushing forward.
But here’s what I’m learning—showing up, even when you feel like this, is what makes the difference. Doubt doesn’t mean you’re failing. It means you care enough to question it. And that’s exactly why I’ll keep going.
Maybe I don’t need to have all the answers right now. Maybe it’s enough to just keep showing up, to keep striving. And maybe you feel the same way sometimes too.