Day 37: I'm Done Holding Back!
Here it is—I’ve been holding back on taking my ecommerce brands Sunday Silks & Deep Modality to the next level, but today that changes....
Day 36: "What is one thing about me that I may not realise about myself?"
Today's Daily Newsletter is going to be a little bit different and it will obviously work a little better if you have been using ChatGPT...
Day 33: The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Others
So, You’re Projecting (We All Are) Here’s something we don’t always admit: in the early days of any relationship, we don't see the other...
Day 31: Greetings from New York City!
"Theres nothing you cant do Now you're in New York!" There’s something about being here that reminds you of what freedom really means....
Day 30: Beyond Ego: Building a Legacy That Lasts
We all have moments where our ego takes the driver’s seat, pushing us to prove something, to win at all costs. But the most significant...
Day 29: Why Me?
Some days, I wake up and wonder, Who the fuck am I to keep doing this? What makes me think my words are worth someone’s 30 to 60 seconds...
Day 28: Stop Focusing on Wins, Start Focusing on Systems
Probably more than the average, I've been all about chasing wins throughout my life, big small, All I do is Win, Win, Win, no matter...
Day 27: Take Stock: Two Words?
I recently asked a friend two questions after he spent 7 days fasting on a mountain as part of a tribal ritual: 1. Describe your journey...
Day 26: The Mind's Deception
I’ve come to realize that the mind is often the biggest deceiver. It creates this framework, a structure we call "reality," but more...
Day 25: Learn from those who already have the thing you want
The secret to growth isn’t just about doing what the best do—it’s also about learning from what they don’t do. Sometimes the most...
Day 22: The Power of Not Knowing
The beginning of knowledge isn’t in having the answers—it’s in realizing how much you don’t understand. That’s where the real learning...
Day 21: Stand Together
The right to free speech is more than just the ability to speak—it's the right to listen. It's the freedom to hear from people we agree...
Day 20: The Best Thing You Can Do Today; Show Up For Your People!
Like their posts. Share their wins. Don’t scroll past. Don’t hold back. We spend so much energy hyping up strangers while staying quiet...
Day 19: Find the Magic in Every Day
Ive come to discover the happiest people aren’t the ones with perfect lives. They’re the ones who choose to find magic in the moments...