Today on our flight, a baby wouldn’t stop crying. While everyone was busy collecting their bags, one incredible woman turned to the dad and said, “Keep it up man, you’re doing an awesome job.” In that moment, the entire section of the plane started clapping and cheering for him.
These days, it feels like people have lost patience for moments like this, especially when it comes to small kids. But this was a heartwarming reminder of how different things could be.
It’s not about perfection. It’s about showing up and doing the hard things, even when they feel impossible.
We’ve been there—traveling with Frankie—and I felt nothing but empathy for this dad who was doing his best. It's normal for our first reaction to occasionally be judgment but when we see someone else struggling through it, attempting the hard thing, celebrate them. Lift them up. Because trying—especially when it’s tough—is worth more than getting it perfect.